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"Looking after your local nature reserve and Green Spaces"
Conserving Whitehill & Bordon’s Green Heart
Experience and Qualifications
You can't beat the Deadwater Valley Trust Ranger office for an eclectic skill set!
As many of the staff have had other careers and life experiences before embracing the outdoors every member of the team brings something different, and sometimes a little unusual, to the table.
The Rangers
The Deadwater Rangers constantly update and refresh their skills in order to keep current and to meet all health and safety guidelines.
In order to use tools and machinery safely 'tickets' must be earned by attending and refreshing training courses
Rebekah - Senior Ranger
* BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation
* Practical Conservation Traineeship with Natural England
Clearing Saw
Pesticide Application
Tractor Driving
4x4 Off Road Driving
ATV Driving
Winch Operating
Trailer Towing
Produce Tree Surveys and Carry Out Hazardous Tree Inspections
Rebekah has also attended courses on and has experience with:
Mental Health First Aid
Outdoor First Aid
Volunteer Walk Leader
Riverfly Surveys
Butterfly Recorder for Butterfly Conservation Trust
Chalk Downland Management
Forest School Leader Level III
NVQ III Early Years Care and Education
Julie's career experience with children and young people means she is the perfect choice to run our Junior Rangers groups.
First Aid In The Workplace
Paediatric First Aid
Forest School First Aid
Psychological First Aid For Children
Level II Food Safety and Hygiene
ROSPA Routine Playground Inspection
Safeguarding Vulnerable Children and Adults
Holds an Enhanced DBS
BSL Fingerspelling
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Julie has also attended courses on and has experience with:
Challenging Behaviour in Children
ADHD in Children
Bat Behaviour and Identification
Bird and Bird Song Identification
Woodland Management for Wildlife
Branch and Bud Tree Identification
Slow Worm Behaviour and Biology
FdSc in Conservation and Wildlife Management
Graphic Design
Brendan's long career in Graphic Design has given him an eye for the finer detail and he is our number one for designing signage and information boards.
Brushcutter and Trimmer
Safe Handling and Application of Pesticides
Safe Application of Pesticides Using Hand Held Equipment
Produce Basic Tree Surveys and carry out Hazardous Tree Inspections
Brendan has also attended courses on and has experience with:
First Aid in The Workplace
Water Voles
ROSPA Routine Playground Inspection
Woodland Management For Wildlife
Bushveldt Mosaic Environmental Appreciation and Interpretation (Pass with Merit) South Africa
Business Driver Defensive Driving
Off Road Driving Part 1
River Invertebrate Monitoring
Water Safety Training
LANTRA Basic Tree Inspection and Survey
ETUK Mammal ID
Safeguarding for Adults and Children
Holds Enhanced DBS
BTEC/HNC Building design studies
Civic Design Award in Extensions and Alterations category.
NPTC NVQ Land Based Operations
BTCV Woodland Management
Terry is master of The Shed and keeps all of our tools in top condition. His design background means that he is our number one planner when it comes to project mechanics.
Over 50 years of experience within the Scouting movement, 48 of which as a Warranted Scout Leader
Terry has also attended courses on and has experience with:
First Aid
Outdoor First Aid
Health and Safety
ROSPA Routine Playground Inspection
Food Hygiene Certificate
Mountain leadership awards
National Small-Bore Rifle Association Diploma - Air gun instructor
Holds Enhanced DBS
Level 2 Countryside Worker apprenticeship
Outdoor First Aid
First aid at work
Chainsaw Cross Cutting and Maintenance
The Safe Use of Pesticides (PA1) NPTC
Safe Use of pesticide Application (PA6) NPTC
Off Road ATV License
Alice has also attended courses on and has experience with:
Population Ecology
Project management for Wildlife Conservation
Our Trustees
Our trustees oversee everything we do and have their own varied skillsets including (but not limited to) :
First Deadwater Valley Trust Ranger
Former Mayor of Whitehill and Bordon
HR specialist
Management of Commercial Finance Operations
Health and Safety Knowledge
Management Capability
Commercial Awareness
Local and District Councillors (past and present)
Etymology experts
Despite all they bring to the Trustee Table the overriding skill our Trustees have is the desire and passion to support and sustain our local area.
They give their time and energy for free and we could not do the work we do without them.

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