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"Looking after your local nature reserve and Green Spaces"
Conserving Whitehill & Bordon’s Green Heart
We are delighted to manage The Deadwater Valley Local Nature Reserve on behalf of Whitehill and Bordon Town Council who own part of the land and lease the remainder from East Hants District Council.
Countryside Ranger Sarah Perryman takes the lead on the practical elements of the management and maintenance. Assisting Sarah is Countryside Ranger Terry Read and Community Ranger Julie Reid.
The team will also provide nature and educational based events, which can be seen on our events page
The site occupies the space from Walldown Sceduled Ancient Monument along the river and through Jubilee Park abutting the Bordon Inclosure and includes the remains of Woolmer Ancient Hunting Forest in Alexandra Park. It has open pedestrian access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There are no facilities onsite however Cafe 1759 can be found a ten minute walk from the Alexandra Park side of the Reserve through the Bordon Inclosure car park.
The Local Nature Reserve forms part of the towns Green Grid, Green Loop network with signage and information boards to be found on the route.
There are hardstanding paths for disabled access although some of these do become muddy in bad weather. There is a marked disabled bay in the small car park located off of Conde Way.
The Deadwater Valley Local Nature Reserve is home to many species, some of which are rare and endangered. It has a 12 different habitats including polytrichum heath, ancient meadow, pond and river bank.
Parking For Deadwater Valley Local Nature Reserve
There is a free car park off of Conde Way which is open to the public 24 hours a day. There are a limited number of parking spaces including two marked for disabled users.
Please keep highways and gateways clear and leave plenty of room for other road users to pass safely.
Please do not park in residential streets or side roads.
If the car park is full please be prepared to turn around and come another day or to walk/cycle.
There is also layby parking on Alpine Road (GU35 9QU). Please note that this is adjacent to a school and can be busy at drop off and pick up times.
Knox Pond Project
Knoxs Pond is a man made pond within the Deadwater Valley Local Nature Reserve which has been enjoyed by local residents for many years.
The levels of silt and debris in the pond had been causing a negative effect on the wildlife within and around the pond and the boardwalks and walkways had fallen into disrepair.
A project to regenerate and improve this area, including increasing viable habitat, was planned to start in 2019 however Covid caused the project to be delayed. Since that time rising costs have meant that the project has had to be split into two parts.
The first part of the Knoxs Pond Regeneration project has been completed to provide the pond with more light, remove overcrowded and hazardous trees and create hibernaculum. We are delighted to report that we have been successful in our bid for Section 106 Developer Contributions to fund the second part of the project and provide new paths, boardwalks and dipping platforms for the site.
The support of East Hampshire District Council has made this final phase of the plan possible.
Work is due to start in Spring 2024.

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