"Looking after your local nature reserve and Green Spaces"
Conserving Whitehill & Bordon’s Green Heart
Nora Dobson

I have been involved with DVT since 1989 when I became the first Ranger for the newly formed Trust. Before that I was a ranger in a country park in Northern Ireland after gaining a BSc in Biology (specialising in environmental science and conservation). I took a career break to look after my three children and worked as a volunteer in the Bordon Citizen's Advise Bureau for 11 years. After leaving the CAB I worked for a mobile farm and re-trained as a Personal Development Coach and Youth Coach.
My hobbies include bird watching and playing the violin and I am concert organiser for the Alton Concert Orchestra.
I have been a trustee for the DVT for the last ten years and became Chair in September 2015. I am enjoying this challenging new role in a growing organisation - both in terms of staff and land area under management. My family have all enjoyed our local countryside and I want to see it being protected and enhanced for future generations.
Rebekah Searle
Senior Countryside Ranger

I joined the trust in January 2021 and took on the role of Senior Ranger in 2023. I feel privileged to look after this lovely woodland, conserving its habitats and wildlife and managing it for the local community.
I graduated in 2014 with a BSc (Hons) in Ecology and Wildlife Conservation, which I followed by completing a practical conservation traineeship with Natural England on the East Dartmoor NNR in Devon. After this I worked in Costa Rica for 5 months undertaking wildlife surveys and conservation in a remote part of the Costa Rican rainforest. Once back in the UK, I was offered a Seasonal Warden post with Natural England back at the East Dartmoor NNR, and after completing this contract I spent 4 years with the South Downs National Park Authority as an Assistant Ranger, before joining the Deadwater Valley Trust. So, it’s been quite an adventure!
I’m looking forward to getting stuck into the role and learning more about the sites we manage, and I’m particularly excited to see the Hogmoor Inclosure throughout the seasons! I have a passion for the natural world and love being in the great outdoors, so I’m lucky to call my job, my hobby too.
Brendan Finnegan
Countryside Ranger

I joined DVT as a Countryside Ranger in October 2013. Originally a Graphic Designer, I became involved in conservation while working for 11 years in South Africa. I returned to the UK in 2008 and decided a career cange was on the cards. Having studied at Sparsholt College I graduated with an FdSc in Conservation and Wildlife Management in 2012.
I now help with the varied aspects involved in the practical management of the reserve such as cutting trees, fence and boardwalk repairs, keeping bamboo at bay, removing numerous items from the river and Knox's Pond and the occasional map design.
I enjoy working with our volunteer groups and feel privileged to be working in the nature reserve, experiencing the varied habitats and wildlife and making a practical contribution to our local and national conservation efforts.
Terry Read
Countryside Ranger

I began volunteering for two hours a week with the Trust in approximately 2015. After a couple of years, I joined the Monday volunteer group, was made very welcome and caught the bug for working outside on the Nature Reserve. I later increased my voluntary hours before being offered the position of part-time Countryside Ranger.
The Deadwater Valley is a great place to work with such diversity of habitats in a relatively small area. The work is always varied, ranging from cattle gazing to felling dangerous trees and, of course the dreaded litter picking, but, come rain, snow or the occasional sunshine I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Julie Reid
Community Ranger

I came to Bordon when I was eight and have always spent time enjoying the natural area we are lucky enough to have around us. I completed my Forest School Level 3 qualification in November 2017 and joined the Deadwater team in November 2018. I now enjoy organizing and leading events for all ages within the Inclosures.
We are fantastically lucky to have such a variety of open spaces on our doorsteps and I am passionate about not only conserving and maintaining this area for future generations but also passing this passion for the natural world onto them as well.
Sarah Perryman
CountrySide Ranger

I joined the trust in June 2023.
I worked formally as a veterinary nurse but followed my passion for wildlife to Sparsholt College where I studied for my diploma.

Alice Smith
Countryside Ranger
I joined the trust in January 2024. I’m looking forward to getting stuck in and help our wildlife thrive. For the past 6 years I have been working in the outdoor activity sector delivering outdoor programmes to school and youth groups. My muti skilled and wide range of outdoor qualifications has taken me all over the UK and even to Canada where I spent 3 months in the rocky snowy mountains of British Columba and a further 5 Months along the Georgan Bay taking multiple groups of young people on a Canoeing expedition along the French River. I was lucky enough to have an experience of a life time over there and would love to go back and explore the country some more as it was cut short due to Covid-19.
I completed an Apprenticeship with the City of London on the Coulsdon Commons where I was lucky enough to gain a load of new Qualifications and experience, I really enjoyed working with the live stock that we had (Jacobs Sheep, Sussex Cattle, mix bread of goats) Even helped during 2 calving seasons and 1 lambing season, Delivered multiple calf’s and helping to deliver lambs, I knew that conservation was the new career path that I want to pursue.
I’m looking forward to using my new found skills to help the wildlife on Hogmoor and the other two sites thrive, along with carrying out surveys on the site.

Basil joined the team in 2021.
He owns Bekah and enjoys nothing more than haring about when doing his rounds with her.